New York (NY) Home Inspector Photos
Top To Bottom Inspections - Gallery One
The 12 photos presented in these Home Inspector Gallery pages are just a representative sample of various construction deficiencies. Many of them could have been prevented if proper construction techniques were
implemented during the original construction. In fact, Manufacturers provide detailed instructions on how to install a specific product, although, many feel it's unnecessary to read them.
I often hear Contractors say, "I have been doing it this way for 30 years" and as you will see in the photos, it was 30 years of doing it the wrong way.
In today's do-it-yourself world, many Homeowner's attempt projects that are well above and beyond their capabilities. I have witnessed 'Big Box' building centers encouraging such practice in order to sell their goods.
It is not uncommon to report more than 20 defects or safety related concerns at a single home during the course of a Home Inspection. Taking time to review these photos should help to convince a Home Buyer why
they need to have a Home Inspection performed by a qualified professional.
Click picture for close up view
Photo 1-1
Deck Collapse

Photo 1-2
Dyslexic Roofer

Photo 1-3
Poor Workmanship

Photo 1-4
Walk that Roof!

Photo 1-5

Photo 1-6
Sizzle! Zap! Zowie!

