Residential or Commercial
Home and Building Inspection Services...
A Full Service Business
For your convenience, I perform all services myself which eliminates added confusion of dealing with multiple individuals or sub-contractors
that may be hired by a Home Inspector for an additional surcharge.
I also accomodate the special service needs of FHA, VA, SONYMA and USDA Rural Development Mortgage programs.

Catering to the Home Buyer
When you finally narrow down your home buying choices and come to a final decision, the overall process becomes more serious.
You’ll be expected to review lots of paperwork, attend to many details and fulfill a variety of obligations in a very specific time frame.
One of these is performing a Home Inspection.
If you are unfamiliar with the process of property assessment, it becomes very important to have direct communication with a professional and experienced Home Inspector.
Most Home Inspectors do not offer a full range of services due to lack of experience and knowledge. If this is the case, you could lack some key information.
I frequently hear about Home Buyers who only speak with a scheduling receptionist. This individual typically recites a generic script and the
Home Buyer never communicates with the actual Home Inspector until the day of the inspection.
Upon initial contact, I make it my personal duty to speak with prospective clients. I take the time to explain everything about Home Inspection
and other important Ancillary services which are available. This gives a Home Buyer great confidence to proceed with a plan which will suit their specific needs.
Please review the following general list of services so that you may be familiar with them prior to calling me for more details.

Home or Building Basic Inspection
- Workmanship
- Structure Review
- Exterior Grading
- Porches and Decks
- Exterior Siding and Trim
- Foundation Systems
- Roof and Gutters
- Plumbing System
- Heating and Cooling Systems
- Electrical System
- Interior Finish
- Built-in Appliances
- Fireplace Structure
- Attics
Private On-lot Waste/Septic System Testing Services
Ancillary (Additional) Inspection Services
- Wood Destroying Insect
- Water Analysis
- Radon Measurement
- Well Mechanical
- Permit / Records Research

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Contact Home Inspector - Igor Smetaniuk for more info (845)856-4102